Contract Summary

  • Published Date: 21 February 2020

  • Tender Status: active

  • Tender Opening Date: 21 February 2020

  • Tender Closing Date: 5 March 2020

  • Award Date: n/a

  • Contract Start Date: n/a

  • Contract End Date: n/a

  • Contract is suitable for SMEs: No

  • Contract is suitable for VCSEs: No

  • Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Contract Type: Services



Design Considerations


Creighton/Greatmoor Road is an existing private access road to the FCC Energy from Waste (EfW) plant from the A41, as indicated on the location plan below.

Traffic flows

The objective of the traffic signalling system design/installation is to control HGV vehicles using Creighton/Greatmoor Road so that the capacity can be increased to accommodate an EK requirement of an additional 100no. HS2 HGV's per day (peak) over the FCC HGV planning limit (600no. per day) - see traffic modelling reports referenced in item 1.1. In addition, there is a requirement to accommodate a relatively small volume of FCC/EK LGV vehicles that will be accessing the site offices at the north end of this section of road (50no. vehicles/day arriving between 7 and 9am and leaving between 4 and 6pm).

Site Constraints

The site is an historic railway embankment that was converted to an access road for the FCC Energy from Waste (EfW) site in 2014. The width restriction was applied to preserve the hedges/vegetation eg. Hawthorn growing along the sides of the corridor as it forms an important habitat for bats and Black Hairstreak butterflies. Therefore, the design of the traffic signalling system must be sympathetic to the location by limiting groundworks or de-vegetation. From the traffic modelling reports it is not envisaged that there is a requirement to extend or provide additional passing bays and that any site works will be limited to the installation of the traffic signalling system. It will not be possible to close the road to FCC deliveries, however if absolutely necessary it should be possible by prior agreement with FCC to do installation work at the weekend when they are not operating. This area is included in the Bernwood Bat licence area and so to be sympathetic to the environment dawn and dusk working for the installation of this equipment should be avoided where possible.

Monitoring and External reporting

In developing the traffic signalling scheme, provision will need to be made for the following items to be monitored:

- Monitoring vehicles passing Red signals

- Monitoring back-up and waiting times of vehicles at South end towards A41

- Monitoring journey times for vehicles travelling through the traffic signal-controlled corridor

- Monitoring failure of equipment

- Self-reporting of failures in equipment/operation to the EK Logistics team (if it is reporting to logistics or some sort of automatic signage on the A41, it is important that there is a mechanism to stop vehicles accessing off of the A41 if there is already a problem. This may not be possible, and it may be a procedure/briefing to drivers not to enter the access road if it has backed up to the A41, because we cannot afford to block traffic there with vehicles queueing).

Design life

The design standards may dictate a minimum design life to be c

About the Buyer

Contact name: Chris Read

Address: Floor 5, 19 Cornwall Street
B3 2DT

Telephone: 07792825436

Fax: n/a

Email: [email protected]

Value of Contract

Price Range: £101,000 - £150,000