
TA Instruments
A division of Waters Ltd

Unit 730-740
Centennial Way
United Kingdom

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TA Instruments reputation for high technology products, quality manufacturing and unbeatable after sales support is why more customers recommend TA products to their colleagues around the world. Headquartered in New Castle, DE, TA Instruments prides ourselves in the technical competence and professionalism that our sales force offers. We are the only Thermal Analysis, Rheology, and Microcalorimetry supplier recognized worldwide for our prompt, courteous and knowledgeable service staff, the hallmark of our company.

Our technical support group is committed to handling all of your thermal analysis and rheology needs, and is available by phone, email and through the internet. More scientists choose TA Instruments as their preferred Thermal Analysis, Rheometer and Microcalorimetry supplier. With Direct offices around the world TA Instruments is uniquely qualified to meet customers' needs for high technology thermal analysis, microcalorimetry and rheology products, superior customer support and comprehensive Thermal Analysis, Rheology and Microcalorimetry training.

Q-Series Thermal Analysis

Our Q-Series Range features equipment that is designed for outstanding performance and results. Our range includes:

  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry: three Tzero™ DSC modules (Q2000, Q200, and Q20) for measuring temperatures and heat flows that are associated with thermal transitions in materials. Properties that are measured include 'cold' crystallisation, phase changes, melting, crystallisation, product stability, cure/cure kinetics, and oxidative stability.
  • Thermogravimetric Analysis: for measuring weight changes in materials as a function of temperature or time in a controlled atmosphere.
  • Dynamic Mechanical Analysis: for measuring mechanical properties of materials as a function of time, temperature and frequency.
  • Vapor Sorption Analysis: for analysing a sample within various humidity and temperature
  • Thermomechanical Analysis: The Q400 for ultimate performance and reliability with mechanical measurements under a wide temperature range.


Our high performance rheology range includes:

  • ARES-G2 Rheometer: a rotational rheometer for advanced research and material development.
  • ARES-G2 Accessories: a wide selection of accessories to complement our ARES
  • RSA-G2 Solids Analyser: featuring a separate motor and transducer for advanced mechanical analysis of solids.
  • Discovery Hybrid Rheometers: for ultimate rheometer solutions, featuring a combination of patented drag cup motor, a second generation magnetic bearing, force transducer technology (FRT), and patenet pending dual-encoder and true position sensor.
  • Discovery Hybrid Rheometer Accessories: we supply a range of accessories to complement our Discovery Hybrid range. Please contact us for further information and to request a brochure.

Discovery Series

Our Discovery Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) series is one of our latest developments in the field of Differential Scanning Calorimetry. This range features innovative designs and features for high performance and accurate results.

The new Diffusion-Bonded Sensor technology provides the Discovery range with incredible measurement sensitivity, resolution, and precision. Our 50-position autosampler technology has also been developed to provide a reliable platform.

Please visit our website for further technical information and to download our Discovery Series brochure.

New Products

Here at TA Instruments, we are continually developing our ranges of products in order to provide the industry with high-quality, effective solutions. Some of our latest developments include the Discovery DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), Nano ITC Low Volume (isothermal titration calorimeters for the study of biomolecular binding), Nano Differential Scanning Calorimetry (to
characterise molecular stability of dilute-in-solution biomolecules), and RSA-G2 Solids Analyser (the most advanced platform for the mechanical analysis of solids).

Please visit our website, or contact the team at TA Instruments for further information regarding our latest developments..


TA Instruments has developed a range of calorimeters offering exceptional measurement sensitivity, outstanding accuracy and a high level of flexibility. They include:

  • Isothermal Titration Calorimeters – with new heat sensing architecture ensuring exceptional data quality.
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeters – offering unrivalled flexibility for the investigation of all biological samples.
  • Multi Cell DSC Calorimeters - with microwatt sensitivity for continuous temperature-scanning, step-scanning and isothermal measurements of thermodynamics and kinetics.
  • Isothermal Calorimeters - based on ground-breaking thermometric technologies.

Visit TA Instruments online to find out more. 

Thermalphysical Properties

TA Instruments is a world leader in the measurement of thermophysical properties. We have a global reputation for innovative, advanced measurement technologies, quality manufacturing, and outstanding after-sales support. With its headquarters in New Castle, USA, and supporting offices in 23 countries worldwide, TA is able to extend its superior customer service, support and training to scientists right across the globe.



Registration Number: 02912366
VAT Number: GB648 7540 03
Registered at Companies House:24 March, 1994 (30 years and 10 months ago)
No of Employees: 21-50
Annual Turnover: n/a
Parent Company: Waters Corporation
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • ARES-G2 The ARES-G2 is the most distinctive rotational rheometer for advanced research and material development. It represents the culmination of five years of ground-up intensive R&D effort, and stands as a testament to TA’s commitment to innovation and continual improvement to the fundamental rheological measurement. The ARES-G2 remains the only commercially available rheometer to offer unique separate motor and transducer technology for the purest rheological measurements. No other rheometer is capable of measuring stress independently of the applied shear deformation. Unrivalled accuracy, flexibility, and ease-of-use is realized through improved specifications, new environmental systems, advanced options, expanded test modes, and new intuitive TRIOS Software with seamless test sequencing.
  • Discovery DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) The Discovery DSC represents the latest innovation from TA Instruments in the field of Differential Scanning Calorimetry and redefines the standard in performance, quality and usability. The Discovery DSC features our innovative new Diffusion-Bonded Sensor technology which provides unmatched measurement sensitivity, resolution and precision. Our field-proven 50-position Autosampler technology has been updated to provide the industry’s most reliable platform for true walk-away automation.
  • Discovery Hybrid Rheometers The NEW Discovery Series Hybrid Rheometer (DHR) represents the latest technological breakthroughs from the world's leader in Rheology. It combines a patented drag cup, motor, a second generation magnetic bearing, Force Transducer Technology (FRT), and new, patent pending, dual-encoder and True Position Sensor (TPS), into single-head Hybrid rheometer. The DHR has unprecedented direct strain control, direct stress control and normal force measurement accuracy. The DHR features all popular TA innovations including patented Smart Swap™ geometries and the widest range of Smart Swap ™ temperature systems and options commercially available. The Result is the most advanced single-head rheometer platform imaginable!
  • Discovery TGA (Thermogravimetric Analyzer) Setting the standard for performance, the Discovery TGA features our industry-leading thermobalance, innovative IR-heated furnace and an autosampler unmatched in flexibility and reliability. Our patented Hi-Res TGA™ is included on every system. The standard Discovery Gas Delivery Module provides 2-gas switching, or optional 4-gas switching/blending capabilities for the ultimate in atmospheric control. The Discovery User Interface simplifies interaction with the instrument and provides for effortless control and monitoring for TGA experiments. The result is the ultimate sensitivity, accuracy, resolution and temperature control.
  • Nano DSC & ITC The TA Instruments Nano-Series calorimeters represent the highest sensitivity and unmatched flexibility for the investigation of biological samples. The Nano ITC is focused on the measurement of ligand binding and reaction kinetics, with increased baseline stability and more tolerance to environment temperature fluctuations. New heat sensing architecture ensures the highest data quality for reproducible results using the new easy-to-use NanoAnalyze data analysis software. The Nano DSC is specifically designed to determine the thermal stability and heat capacity of proteins and other macromolecules in dilute solution, with versatility to allow the screening of ligands and pressure perturbation measurement.
  • Q Series Thermal Analysers Our thermal analysis instruments have set performance standards for over 35 years, and are clearly recognized as the best selling products worldwide. TA Instruments' DSC, TGA, SDT, DMA and TMA thermal analysis systems are used internationally in over 6,000 facilities. Our industry leading position in thermal analysis systems extended with the introduction of the fifth generation Q5000IR & Q500SA TGA's, the third generation Q600 SDT, and the new Q400 TMA
  • T-Zero Tzero™ is an advanced DSC technology that provides a fundamentally more accurate way of measuring heat flow. The heart of the technology is the revolutionary Tzero™ cell that makes more measurements than ever before, and delivers superior performance in both heating and cooling modes. The technology incorporates the best attributes of traditional heat flux and power compensation designs, and elevates performance to unprecedented levels. It is included in the new TA Instruments Q Series™ DSC modules and provides: Essentially flat baselines with minimum start-up / endset “hooks”. Typically an order of magnitude or more better than competitive designs, especially in sub ambient operation. Superior sensitivity due to flatter baselines and better signal-to-noise-ratio. The best available resolution (even over power compensation devices) Direct measure of heat capacity. Faster, more accurate MDSC® experiments

Company Certifications

ISO 9000:2015 - Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary

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