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Knight Optical UK Ltd
- Maidstone, Kent - your exactspecifications. At Knight Optical, we produce a largeselection of optical filters used to control the spectral content of lightbeams and al... your exactspecifications. Knight Optical offers a large range ofoptical beamsplitters, from cube beamsplitters to plate beamsplitters, for usewith al

Transicon Ltd
- Telford, Shropshire - ients exactspecification. Additionally, building services can also be offered to includelighting, emergency lighting, heating and power distribution.

Satelliet UK Ltd
- Aldershot, Surrey - your exactspecification, with your choice of polish. They are ideal for use in hotels,restaurants and bars. Click on the link to view an example, and

Mr Box Ltd
- Ipswich, Suffolk - o our exactspecifications. We move them to the UK after loading them with clean boxedcargo that cannot damage the unit. After cargo is discharged we i