
Registered Number: 01733096
Date of Incorporation: 20/06/1983 (40 years and 11 months ago)
Company Status: Liquidation
Registered Address: Unit E, Windmill Lane Industrial Estate, Denton, Manchester, M34 3RB


Based in Denton in Manchester, The Shah Pen Company Ltd was setup in 1983, it's status is listed as "Liquidation". This business has no directors listed in the Companies House registry. We don't currently know the number of employees at The Shah Pen Company Ltd.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 01 March 1995
405(2) - Notice of ceasing to act of Receiver 28 February 1995
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 28 February 1995
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 28 February 1995
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 28 February 1995
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 28 February 1995
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 28 February 1995
SC71 - N/A 25 January 1988
363 - Annual Return 26 July 1986

Mortgages & Charges

Description Date Status Charge by
Debenture 22 April 1986 Outstanding


Debenture 27 March 1986 Outstanding


Debenture 04 December 1985 Outstanding


Debenture 25 June 1985 Outstanding


Debenture 29 March 1985 Outstanding


Debenture 15 February 1984 Outstanding


Debenture 12 January 1984 Outstanding


Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.