
Registered Number: 03390862
Date of Incorporation: 18/06/1997 (27 years ago)
Company Status: Active
Registered Address: 10 Market Place, Shipston-On-Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4AG


Established in 1997, Archibald Industries Ltd are based in Warwickshire, it's status at Companies House is "Active". There are 3 directors listed for this company at Companies House. We don't currently know the number of employees at this business.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Director Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
CORLETT, Ann Sophia 19 June 1997 - 1
CORLETT, Colin Ernest 18 June 1997 - 1
STEVENS, Suzanne Diana 19 June 1997 - 1

Filing History

No relevant data found

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.