
Registered Number: 05685189
Date of Incorporation: 23/01/2006 (18 years and 4 months ago)
Company Status: Dissolved
Date of Dissolution: 31/01/2017 (7 years and 4 months ago)
Registered Address: Media House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 9UP


Ntl Victoria Ii Ltd was registered on 23 January 2006 and are based in Hook, Hampshire, it's status at Companies House is "Dissolved". There is only one director listed for this business at Companies House. Currently we aren't aware of the number of employees at the Ntl Victoria Ii Ltd.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Secretary Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
JAMES, Gillian Elizabeth 30 April 2010 - 1

Filing History

No relevant data found

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.