Contract Summary

  • Published Date: 2 May 2018

  • Tender Status: active

  • Tender Opening Date: 2 May 2018

  • Tender Closing Date: 4 June 2018

  • Award Date: n/a

  • Contract Start Date: n/a

  • Contract End Date: n/a

  • Contract is suitable for SMEs: Yes

  • Contract is suitable for VCSEs: No

  • Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Contract Type: Works



The National Museum of the Royal Navy are offering a contract for a company to perform repairs to the a mock-up of HMS Victory's hull located next to the ship on the dockside. The company must have experience in traditional timber ship building.

About the Buyer

Contact name: n/a

Address: Nmrn,Hm Naval Base (Pp66)

Telephone: n/a

Fax: n/a

Email: [email protected]

Value of Contract

Price Range: n/a