Contract Summary

  • Published Date: 26 February 2021

  • Tender Status: active

  • Tender Opening Date: 26 February 2021

  • Tender Closing Date: 12 March 2021

  • Award Date: n/a

  • Contract Start Date: n/a

  • Contract End Date: n/a

  • Contract is suitable for SMEs: Yes

  • Contract is suitable for VCSEs: No

  • Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Contract Type: Works



The works involve the excavation and forming up of levels to enable the extension of the existing hard play area. The playground will be extended to the south-east to provide additional activity space. The works will also provide an access footpath and running track 1800mm wide to link the play area to the existing soft surfaced nature trail to the south-east and a return path on the north-easterly side.

About the Buyer

Contact name: Craig Pullen

Address: Fishergate

Telephone: 01772 539970

Fax: n/a

Email: [email protected]

Value of Contract

Price Range: £45,000