Contract Summary

  • Published Date: 22 June 2017

  • Tender Status: complete

  • Tender Opening Date: n/a

  • Tender Closing Date: 25 November 2016

  • Award Date: 1 April 2017

  • Contract Start Date: 1 June 2017

  • Contract End Date: 1 June 2021

  • Contract is suitable for SMEs: No

  • Contract is suitable for VCSEs: Yes

  • Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Contract Type: Works



Scape wishes to establish a framework agreement for use by or on behalf of public sector bodies (and their respective statutory successors and organisations created as a result of re-organisations or organisational

changes). Applications are invited from experienced providers of construction (building) works and services who can provide high quality works and services using a customer focused approach particularly in the public sector. It is anticipated that the works and services will be provided by the provider themselves, through their supply chain or via a consortium/joint venture arrangement. Scape is open to receiving responses from consortia, joint ventures, strategic alliances and other such arrangements, however such organisations will be required to form a single legal entity to contract with prior to the award of the contract and provide appropriate guarantees and security packages commensurate with the works/services. The specific works and services

that may be procured under the Framework cannot be clearly defined at this stage, however the nature and types of works that may be required may include those services identified by CPV code on or in connection

with any land or property and related asset owned, rented, leased or developed by any of the public sector bodies eligible to use the Framework or on property or related assets in which any of the public sector bodies may have an interest at the time or prospectively and may include projects in the following sectors, amongst others: See OJEU Contract Notice for a list of "who can use this framework".

About the Buyer

Contact name: Scape Group Limited

Address: 7th Floor, Tollhouse Hill City Gate East

Telephone: n/a

Fax: n/a

Email: [email protected]

Value of Contract

Price Range: n/a