
Torpedo factory group

The Old Torpedo Factory
St Leonards Road
NW10 6ST
United Kingdom

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Gordon Audio Visual are the UK meeting, conference and exhibition hire specialists. Trading for almost half a century, we are every bit as enthusiastic about audio visual equipment as we were on day one. Our huge range of equipment is constantly being updated because we really believe that only the latest equipment will do. Meetings and other small events For all your meetings, training and presentations, whether at your office or your client's, our central London, Sheffield and Manchester locations enable us to respond at short notice. We will supply everything from flipcharts and pens, laptops and printers, to projectors and screens, to plasma screens and PA and sound systems. Conferences and large events Let your imagination run wild and our large events team will put together the technology to bring your event to life. From conception to planning to managing on the day, our large events team will deliver outstanding results and make your event unforgettable. Exhibitions and road shows For exhibition rental, ask about our special exhibition packages. We service both national and European exhibitions and will provide anything from a single plasma screen to a wireless network complete with internet access.



Registration Number: 03298917
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:6 January, 1997 (27 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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