
Tidy Software Ltd

14 Rockwell Avenue
BS11 0UF
United Kingdom

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  • Mr Gerard Harris - Managing Director


Tidy Software is a company that specialises in the development of bespoke software solutions for organisations that do not or cannot use commercially available products. Drawing upon more than 30 years of software development experience, we’re able to create tailor-made packages that address your operational needs whilst meeting your budgetary requirements. 

Our services are aimed at companies which cannot find an off-the-shelf solution to meet their needs – either because it doesn’t exist, or because it just doesn’t work quite the way they want it to. We listen to their requirements and provide tailored solutions based on the current and future demands of their business. In many cases we can do this for less than the cost of a commercially available product. 

But perhaps the best thing about our software solutions is that they come with full product support and a lifetime guarantee. We’ll always be on hand to offer our assistance when needed, and if your requirements change or your business grows, our team of developers will be able to update the software accordingly. 

You can find out more about the Tidy Software service in the sections below and on our website. If you would like to discuss your requirements with an expert, why not give us a call? Contact details are provided at the top of this page.  

Software Development

Businesses that purchase off-the-shelf software packages often find themselves trying to fit square pegs into round holes. In the end, any amount of money they may have saved buying a standard product will only be lost in the time they spend trying to adapt their way of working to an inflexible system. 

The most cost-effective solution in the long run is to have a system in place which is tailored to your needs, rather than the other way round. At Tidy Software that is exactly what we offer: a bespoke software development service that enables you to dictate how the system works. 

After spending some time getting to know your business and your way of working, we’ll develop an application or indeed a whole suite of applications that will streamline your procedures and make your business processes more efficient. Find out more by visiting Tidy Software online. 

Software Support

Tidy Technical Support is our support division responsible for ensuring your software performs as you expect it to. Should you encounter any problems, our support teams will aim to rectify them within 24 hours of being notified. We offer three software support packages:

  • Option 1 – Any software that is written by us will be covered by our software guarantee for the first year of use. Support is therefore free of charge.
  • Option 2 – After the first year, 15% of the initial development cost is charged on an annual basis for support. 
  • Option 3 – This is for software that has not been written by us. You can find out more about this service by calling us on the number provided at the top of this page. 

Software Consultant

Tidy Software offers a free consultation for anyone who is considering having bespoke software developed for their business. Tell us about your organisation, how it operates and where you think improvements could be made and we’ll propose a solution – one that is fully tailored to your requirements and in keeping with your budget.

Sofware Warranties

Each piece of software that we create comes with a 1-year warranty as standard. Our support division will ensure that any problems encountered are immediately fixed. Longer warranties are available if required – please get in touch to find out more.



Registration Number: 03451657
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:17 October, 1997 (26 years and 8 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a

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