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Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
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Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • Great Lengths Hair Extensions Great Lengths started in 1991 and have become an international hair extension company with franchises in over 60 countries throughout the world. The hair extensions are pre bonded and Great Lengths produces over 55 colours plus 17 blonde shades. These colours can be mixed and blended to create the perfect colour match. For special effects and occasions, Great Lengths are a supplier of a range of Diamond Threads made with Crystallizes Swarovski elements. What makes Great Lengths stand out so much from other hair extensions? They adopted a method of application that is both easy to do and gentle on one’s own hair. They are attached using a new technology that is known as modulating. It involves bonding the hair extensions to your natural hair using a protein known as keratin, which is a composition of polymer chains and has a molecular structure which is similar to human hair. Great Lengths hair extensions are handcrafted in Italy. The hair originates from the temples in India where it has been willingly donated as a sacrifice to the gods of the temple. 100% of Great Lengths hair is ethically sourced via the temple hair auctions, Indian virgin temple hair is highly recommended for the best hair extensions due to the fact that it has never been chemically processed through bleaching and colouring and the texture of the hair matches that of Caucasian markets. No damage or breakageWill Great Lengths hair extensions damage my hair?The No damage or breakage using Great Lengths hair. The main cause of hair breakage is inferior hair extension systems , due to wax, metal or other hard compound hair extension bonds that do not flex when the hair is wet. The Great Lengths synthesised keratin bond mimics your natural hair’s structure by expanding and contracting with your hair shaft. This results in no strain on the hair. The applicator simply moulds the bond around your natural hair and leaves it to cool. The bond is so small and light weight that it is virtually undetectable and causes no stress on your natural hair.

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