
Heritage Coatings Ltd

The Mowhay
St Giles on the Heath
PL15 9SX
United Kingdom

Company has 1 related addresses


Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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At Heritage Coatings we have an enviable range of exterior wall coatings, which will transform the look of your home - and make painting a thing of the past. 

Our wall coating specialists will carefully prepare your walls prior to application. Then we'll apply a micro porous stabiliser before the final top coat application - which is 20 times thicker than ordinary paint - this will seal and protect your home from the Cornish climate. 

Remember you can have a clear coating - ideal for stone and brickwork - as well as any colour of your choice.

× Flexible, breathable coating which won't crack, fade, chip or peel

× Micro porous waterproof protection from damp, mould, moss and algae

× Disguise imperfections including cracks and scars

× Transform your property and increase its value

× Insulate your home and decrease your energy bills

× Choice of colours and finishes

× 15 year maintenance-free guarantee 

Roof coatings

Before apply the coating our team of specialists repair and replace broken and missing roof tiles. We then give the roof a high pressure clean using a fungicidal or biocidal wash.

Next we apply a sealant to the roof followed by a clear or colour coating of your choice. 

× Protection from damp and mould

× No more unsightly moss and algae

× Transform your property and increase its value

× Choice of colours

× A 10 year maintenance free guarantee

× Insulate your home and decrease your energy bills



Registration Number: 09754766
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:1 September, 2015 (8 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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