
H20 Chemicals Ltd

Yeadon Court
Limewood Business Park
LS14 1AB
United Kingdom

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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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H2O Chemicals Ltd was formed in February 1992. We are an ISO 9001:2000 accredited company, and were one of the first ten companies in Yorkshire to achieve the "Outstanding Investors in People" Award. We are a founder member of the Legionella Control Association and belong to both the British Association of Chemical Specialities (BACS) and the Water Management Society. We have been evaluated and included on the Contractor Health & Safety Evaluation Scheme (CHAS) and are included on many approved vendor lists for both public authorities and private companies.



Registration Number: 02669099
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:6 December, 1991 (32 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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