
Fordwater Pumping Supplies Ltd

49-53 Stratford Road
B11 1RQ
United Kingdom


Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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Fordwater has been in the fountain engineering business for over 35 years. The team at Fordwater are able to support you every step of the way, from initial project designs being made to fountains being installed, tested and certified completed. The company offers vast support to architects, designers, sculptors and design engineers, providing the exact required level of involvement. Fordwater can take a ‘hands-on’ role or support you in the background, and are able to act as a lead contractor, partner or a project manager. We can help with initial feasibility studies, design and scoping, equipment supply and engineering itself.

We work to the high standards that you would expect of a company that has been in trade for so long, using our experience and expertise to deliver results that surpass expectations. We have NQA 9001 accreditation, and are members of the Pump Distributor’s Association. We have enjoyed a repeated presence at the Marsh Fountain Awards. Whether you’re looking for assistance with fountain installation or restoration, hiring services, emergency pumping assistance, waste systems or supplies, we’re here to provide help with any aspect of fountain building and maintenance. Get in touch via phone or e-mail today for water engineering assistance. 


We’ve left nothing to chance when it comes to building a comprehensive catalogue of pump supplies. Our versatile range includes items such as borehole, submersible, self-priming, heating, aeration and low-voltage pumps to name but a few. We offer bespoke water pressurisation sets too, which we can tailor to your unique needs and requirements, but can also offer standard variable speed and multiple pumps systems too. UV water sterilisation units come in all sizes to suits your needs, whilst we also offer filters, expansion vessels, fittings and various other accessories including valves, seals and gauges. See more products at the website. 


During the last 35 years, we’ve been involved with an array of fountain installation and restoration projects. Clients have included The National Trust, Birmingham City Council, the Manchester College of Art and Technology and English Heritage to name just a small number. You’ll see a full gallery for a number of the most prestigious projects at the website. Fordwater continues to be relied upon by multiple leading organisations in the Midlands and across the UK. Interested parties can contact us via the website today with their project requirements. We’re here to turn your plans into a reality, no matter how adventurous they are. 

Fountain Installation

At Fordwater, we work closely alongside our clients, architects, designers, sculptors and engineers to offer a fountain installation service that is second-to-none. We provide a comprehensive range of services to deliver the fountains and water displays that you desire, offering premium standards of design, building work and installation. Making the most of our multiple decades in the business, we’re able to project manage your installation from start-to-finish or let you lead the way supported by our background assistance if you wish. We make use of the latest technologies such as CAD to ensure that a perfect balance of water, music and lighting is achieved. 

Fountain Restoration

As well as designing and installing brand new fountains, we’re also able to bring old installations back to their former glory once again. During our time in the business, we’ve helped numerous clients to bring derelict fountains and water displays back to life, for one-off shows and on a permanent basis. Using our knowledge of the trade, we’ve overcome several obstacles to achieve full restoration even when this was thought to be impossible. Acting with full respect for the original designs, we’ve been able to perform restorations without compromising on character by carefully sourcing the right materials and equipment for the work to take place. 

Fountain Hire

We have created a number of self-contained fountains in pools that can be hired on a temporary basis. These fountains are perfect for one-off or short-term events, and they have been designed and built with the same level of care and attention that we use for our permanent installations. The fountains vary in size from 750mm to 2m x 2m. Some of our units can be fitted in existing pools. The majority of these fountains are stored on site in Birmingham, and they can be complemented by some of our various coloured, ambient spotlights. There are many variations to suit a range of requirements. 

Musical Fountains

Our musical dancing fountains are both fun and enchanting, and have been built with the latest innovative technologies incorporated into them, providing a truly interactive experience. The fountains can be controlled by gestures and through the voice due to audio, seismic, ultrasound and infra-red sensors as well as camera technologies. The fountains can elicit the dancing effect simply through a sound source with no programming knowledge needed on your part. The effect can be awe-inspiring, whether the sound is source via classical music, rock or live sounds. LED coloured lighting can be used to make the fountains perform after dark. 

Emergency Pumping

When an emergency with a water fountain strikes, it’s good to know that help can arrive on the scene quickly. We run a 73kW mobile diesel-powered pump that can be deployed when you need it, which carries a complete range of hoses and connectors. It is able to pump 2750 litres – or 600 gallons – per minute, offering heights of up to 70 metres. Should control needed to be regained in a state of emergency, you may wish to utilise the maximum output – 4,500 litres per minute. We can be on site within 2 hours to any customer located within a 50 mile radius of Birmingham. 

Waste Systems

Our Fordwater Autowaste system allows you to convey waste water into a higher level gravity mains sewer. Fitting is easy, and regular customers include contractors and end users. We stock a full range of Autowaste products to cater for any situation located beneath the main sewer. You can either choose a standard product from the range or can alternatively make use of our bespoke service, which allows us to manufacture products to your own unique specification. We also offer a full parts and accessories service to complement the products. If you do require larger underground equipment, get in touch and let us know. 

Pump Repairs

At Fordwater we are able to provide our customers with a complete pump and maintenance repair service. Our team of highly trained staff is can deal with pump repairs and reconditioning on all kind of pumps for use in a wide range of applications. We can even undertake regular pump maintenance contracts for commercial businesses of all sizes. Regular pump maintenance is often a more cost effective solution, as any potential problems can be identified early on before they become more serious.



Registration Number: 08411735
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:20 February, 2013 (11 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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