
ATI Allvac Ltd

Cyclops Works
Presidents Way
South Yorkshire
S4 7UR
United Kingdom

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When metal components must perform under critical conditions manufacturers worldwide turn to Allvac an Allegheny Technologies company. We are a world leader in the production of nickel-base and cobalt-base superalloys titanium-base alloys and specialty steels for the aerospace industry ... metals of exceptional wear resistance corrosion resistance heat resistance toughness and strength. Allvac brings together four companies with complementary legacies of leadership. Allvac Metals Company was founded in 1957 to commercialize vacuum induction melting a key technology for manufacturing aerospace-quality nickel-base alloys. Teledyne® Titanium was founded in 1968 to harness leading-edge technologies for titanium production. Allvac Ltd is a British firm tracing its roots back to the development of stainless steel grades at the beginning of the 20th century. The titanium melt operations of Oremet with its International Hearth Melting division came under the management of Allvac in 2000. These facilities include the world's largest electron beam cold hearth refining (EBCHR) furnace. Today united as one company under the leadership of Allegheny Technologies (ATI) Allvac provides industry with one reliable source for a large portion of its high-performance metals requirements. Allvac Allvac Ltd Wah Chang and Titanium International constitute the High Performance Metals group of ATI. These ATI companies offer a full range of specialty metals and alloys that include stainless steel nickel base superalloys titanium and titanium base alloys in most product forms: Ingot billet slab hot-rolled round bar rectangular bar custom shapes cold-drawn round bar coiled rod and hot-rolled cold-rolled or cold drawn wire as coiled or straight length products.



Registration Number: 00331606
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:15 September, 1937 (86 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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