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Nowhere is Inaccessible – that is the guiding mission of Alternative Access Logistics (AAL) based in Rotherham. Our aim is to recommend the safest, most cost-effective and efficient access by providing industry-leading, innovative solutions for accessing the trickiest spaces in or on office towers, power plants, internal atria, conservation facilities, and other large-scale structures.
Dynamic access systems can increase construction and maintenance productivity by over 400%.
Our solutions, including alternative access platforms, are developed with the customer in mind – these systems are bespoke to individual needs and specifications. And our range of heigh safety solutions, systems and safety features are designed with the belief that one size does not fit all. In other words, we will never compromise on your needs by trying to apply a generic solution to a problem.
AAL are the exclusive UK representative and supplier of the AMV Kotek® product range. These products include the Monorail Track Profiles system for Suspended Access Platforms, Mobile Gantries and Ladders.
We also work in close conjunction with Fallprotec SA to offer height safety gear, fall protection systems using either cables or rails, anchor devices, fall arrest ladders, and other safety equipment.
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems – Requirements |
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