

Queensbury House
Harborough Road
United Kingdom

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ADR manufacturer CD & DVD Robotic Duplicators & Auto Printers Worldwide ADR are the only manufacturer of fully automatic, modular, CD and DVD duplicators which you can upgrade from 1 to 10 CD/DVD writers. ADR (UK) covers UK, Ireland, Scotland & Wales. Within these areas, we supply a range of equipment Automated CD/DVD Disc Publishers Automated CD/DVD Disc Printers Automated CD/DVD Coating Systems Inkjet, Thermal & Thermal Re-Transfer Printers Teac, Rimage, HP & Primera Printers & Consumable Sales Whether you need to copy CD/DVD media or print discs in an automated environment, the ADR range suits a number of industries. Professional Duplication Sector Educational Sector Local Authorities Corporate Marketplace Small to Medium Enterprise All ADR robotics come with a 5 year warranty as standard The ADR (UK) website includes full details of the range available plus images and video footage. TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOMED Exclusive area contracts available to successfully resellers. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR CD/DVD SERVICES? Visit www.cdrom-businesscard.co.uk for professional services on CD/DVD media. Our service website offers printing, duplication and replication on 8cm, 12cm, Business Card & Custom Shaped discs.



Registration Number: 03863679
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:22 October, 1999 (24 years and 8 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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