
Registered Number: 01418381
Date of Incorporation: 09/05/1979 (45 years and 1 month ago)
Company Status: Liquidation
Date of Dissolution: 31/01/2017 (7 years and 4 months ago)
Registered Address: Langley House, Park Road, East Finchley, London, N2 8EX


Whitlam Holdings Ltd was registered on 09 May 1979, it's status at Companies House is "Liquidation". We do not know the number of employees at the company. The company does not have any directors.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
REST-CVL - N/A 27 December 2019
GAZ2 - Second notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 31 January 2017
GAZ1 - First notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 15 November 2016
AC92 - N/A 14 October 2015
LIQ - N/A 23 November 1996
4.72 - Return of final meeting in creditors' voluntary winding-up 23 August 1996
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 15 March 1996
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 09 October 1995
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 10 April 1995
PRE95 - N/A 01 January 1995
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 28 September 1994
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 23 March 1994
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 20 December 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 29 September 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 05 April 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 17 November 1992
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 24 April 1992
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 09 October 1991
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 19 April 1991
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 01 October 1990
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 11 April 1990
SC70 - N/A 20 November 1987
SC71 - N/A 04 September 1987
SC71 - N/A 29 May 1986
363 - Annual Return 09 September 1985
CERTNM - Change of name certificate 24 December 1981
CERTNM - Change of name certificate 14 December 1979
NEWINC - New incorporation documents 09 May 1979

Mortgages & Charges

Description Date Status Charge by
Charge 26 September 1985 Outstanding


Assignment 16 April 1985 Outstanding


Authority over deposits 25 September 1984 Outstanding


Charge 24 August 1984 Outstanding


Mortgage 23 March 1984 Outstanding


Charge 20 December 1983 Outstanding


Charge over agreements 23 October 1981 Outstanding


Deed 20 October 1981 Outstanding


Legal charge 23 January 1981 Outstanding


Debenture 27 December 1979 Outstanding


Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.