
Registered Number: 01602805
Date of Incorporation: 08/12/1981 (42 years and 6 months ago)
Company Status: Liquidation
Registered Address: Devizes Road,, Potterne,, Devizes,, Wilts,, SN10 5LU


Founded in 1981, Statmill Ltd has its registered office in Wilts,, it's status at Companies House is "Liquidation". There are no directors listed for Statmill Ltd. We don't know the number of employees at the business.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 21 February 2012
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 11 August 2011
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 January 2011
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 10 August 2010
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 25 February 2010
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 29 July 2009
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 07 February 2009
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 07 February 2009
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 23 January 2008
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 03 August 2007
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 19 January 2007
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 08 August 2006
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 18 January 2006
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 29 July 2005
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 08 February 2005
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 30 July 2004
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 January 2004
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 12 August 2003
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 11 February 2003
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 12 August 2002
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 26 February 2002
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 17 August 2001
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 19 February 2001
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 16 August 2000
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 18 February 2000
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 20 August 1999
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 25 February 1999
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 17 August 1998
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 12 February 1998
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 07 August 1997
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 11 February 1997
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 12 August 1996
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 05 February 1996
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 16 August 1995
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 16 January 1995
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 05 August 1994
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 23 February 1994
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
4.68 - Liquidator's statement of receipts and payments 27 July 1993
SC70 - N/A 07 January 1988
363 - Annual Return 18 August 1987
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 18 August 1987
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 24 June 1987
AA - Annual Accounts 23 June 1987

Mortgages & Charges

Description Date Status Charge by
Debenture 21 October 1983 Outstanding


Debenture 19 May 1982 Outstanding


Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.