
Registered Number: 05034740
Date of Incorporation: 04/02/2004 (20 years and 4 months ago)
Company Status: Dissolved
Date of Dissolution: 10/07/2018 (5 years and 10 months ago)
Registered Address: 4 Shilling Ford Street, Islington, London, N1 4DP


Based in London, Parkcroft Marketing Ltd was founded on 04 February 2004, it has a status of "Dissolved". We don't know the number of employees at this company. This organisation has no directors listed in the Companies House registry.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
GAZ2 - Second notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 10 July 2018
GAZ1 - First notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 24 April 2018
LIQ MISC - N/A 06 July 2017
COCOMP - Order to wind up 30 March 2006
GAZ1(A) - First notification of strike-off in London Gazette) 17 January 2006
652a - Application for striking off 07 December 2005
363s - Annual Return 16 May 2005
225 - Change of Accounting Reference Date 20 December 2004
288c - Notice of change of directors or secretaries or in their particulars 10 December 2004
288a - Notice of appointment of directors or secretaries 14 May 2004
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 07 May 2004
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 07 May 2004
288a - Notice of appointment of directors or secretaries 07 May 2004
288b - Notice of resignation of directors or secretaries 07 May 2004
288b - Notice of resignation of directors or secretaries 07 May 2004
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 07 May 2004
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 07 May 2004
NEWINC - New incorporation documents 04 February 2004

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.