
Registered Number: FC012962
Date of Incorporation: 18/06/1985 (38 years and 11 months ago)
Company Status: Active
Registered Address: Optometrics (U K) Ltd, Unit D 9, Cross Green Approach, Leeds, LS9 0SG,


Optometrics Corporation was registered on 18 June 1985, it's status at Companies House is "Active". The organisation has 6 directors listed as Denton, Frank, Lunardo, Laura S, Wood, Denis, Cetto, Timothy J, Cianci, Peter John, Lunardo, Laura Sue. Currently we aren't aware of the number of employees at the this business.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Director Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
DENTON, Frank 18 June 1985 - 1
LUNARDO, Laura S 19 October 1999 - 1
WOOD, Denis 18 June 1985 - 1
CETTO, Timothy J 23 September 1996 13 May 1998 1
CIANCI, Peter John 18 June 1985 19 October 1999 1
LUNARDO, Laura Sue 18 June 1985 19 October 1999 1

Filing History

Document Type Date
OSTM01 - N/A 10 May 2016
MISC - Miscellaneous document 21 February 2012
OSTM01 - N/A 11 February 2011
AA - Annual Accounts 10 August 2001
AA - Annual Accounts 15 December 2000
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 13 December 1999
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 13 December 1999
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 13 December 1999
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 23 November 1999
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 23 November 1999
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 23 November 1999
AA - Annual Accounts 28 September 1999
AA - Annual Accounts 21 December 1998
288b - Notice of resignation of directors or secretaries 22 May 1998
AA - Annual Accounts 29 August 1997
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 02 April 1997
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 02 April 1997
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 02 April 1997
AA - Annual Accounts 16 January 1997
AA - Annual Accounts 26 September 1995
AA - Annual Accounts 19 August 1994
AA - Annual Accounts 14 October 1993
AA - Annual Accounts 24 February 1993
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 17 March 1992
AA - Annual Accounts 05 September 1991
BUSADD - N/A 15 October 1990
AA - Annual Accounts 05 September 1990
AA - Annual Accounts 05 September 1990
AA - Annual Accounts 05 September 1990
AA - Annual Accounts 05 September 1990
AA - Annual Accounts 05 September 1990
692(1)(b) - Return of alteration in the directors or secretary of an oversea company subject to place of business registration or in their particulars 07 August 1990
395 - Particulars of a mortgage or charge 21 May 1990
395 - Particulars of a mortgage or charge 21 May 1990
MISC - Miscellaneous document 08 May 1990
CERTNM - Change of name certificate 04 May 1990

Mortgages & Charges

Description Date Status Charge by
Charge 04 May 1990 Outstanding


Assignment of charge 04 May 1990 Outstanding


Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.