
Registered Number: FC017608
Date of Incorporation: 15/10/1993 (30 years and 8 months ago)
Company Status: Active
Registered Address: 1939 Navajo Lane, Yopeka, Ks 66604-3707, Usa,


Having been setup in 1993, Gregg, Inc have registered office in Ks 66604-3707, Usa, it has a status of "Active". Gregg, Karen is listed as a director of the company. We don't currently know the number of employees at the company.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Director Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
GREGG, Karen 02 November 1993 - 1

Filing History

Document Type Date
BR3 - Return by an oversea company subject to branch registration, for alteration of company particulars 04 April 1995
BR1-PAR - N/A 02 November 1993
BR1-PAR - N/A 02 November 1993
BR1-BCH - N/A 02 November 1993
BR1 - Return delivered for registration of a branch of an oversea company 02 November 1993

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.