
Registered Number: 00265048
Date of Incorporation: 02/05/1932 (92 years and 1 month ago)
Company Status: Active
Registered Address: The Heights,, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XP


Based in Weybridge in Surrey, Gillette Group Uk Ltd was established in 1932, it's status in the Companies House registry is set to "Active". We do not know the number of employees at the business. Maftei, Radu Cristian, Allen, Claire Frances, Clark, John Howard, Murphy, Roger, Rasmussen, Jorgen Buhl, Thomas, Brian Robert George are listed as directors of the business.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Director Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
MAFTEI, Radu Cristian 10 July 2020 - 1
CLARK, John Howard N/A 23 June 1994 1
MURPHY, Roger 10 March 1999 08 May 2001 1
RASMUSSEN, Jorgen Buhl 10 March 1999 28 February 2006 1
THOMAS, Brian Robert George N/A 19 July 1994 1
Secretary Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
ALLEN, Claire Frances 07 July 2004 31 March 2006 1

Filing History

No relevant data found

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.