
Registered Number: 01226120
Date of Incorporation: 11/09/1975 (48 years and 9 months ago)
Company Status: Dissolved
Date of Dissolution: 09/02/2016 (8 years and 4 months ago)
Registered Address: Shell Green House, Gorsey Lane, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 0YZ


Coppell & Ford Ltd was registered on 11 September 1975 and are based in Widnes, it's status in the Companies House registry is set to "Dissolved". We don't currently know the number of employees at this company. There are no directors listed for the company.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
GAZ2 - Second notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 09 February 2016
GAZ1 - First notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 27 October 2015
AC92 - N/A 25 November 2011
GAZ2 - Second notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 21 July 1990
4.72 - Return of final meeting in creditors' voluntary winding-up 26 April 1990
SC70 - N/A 20 November 1987
SC71 - N/A 17 July 1987
SC71 - N/A 29 May 1986

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.