Contract Summary

  • Published Date: 12 January 2021

  • Tender Status: active

  • Tender Opening Date: 12 January 2021

  • Tender Closing Date: 12 February 2021

  • Award Date: n/a

  • Contract Start Date: n/a

  • Contract End Date: n/a

  • Contract is suitable for SMEs: Yes

  • Contract is suitable for VCSEs: No

  • Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Contract Type: Services



The Inter-agency Air Pollution Group, coordinated by JNCC, has been working on alignment and streamlining for risk assessment approaches addressing air pollution effects on ecosystems. This is part of wider country-specific work programmes to tackle the way they provide advice, and in some cases regulatory decisions, on new and existing proposals near protected areas. Recent case law has resulted in delays to this advice provision and decision-making and there are increasing challenges to the current ways of working.

About the Buyer

Contact name: n/a

Address: Monkstone House City Road

Telephone: +441733866894

Fax: n/a

Email: [email protected]

Value of Contract

Price Range: £800,000