
Solent Gas Care

20 Lakeside
PO17 5EP
United Kingdom

Company has 4 related addresses


Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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Registration Number: 08570435
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:14 June, 2013 (11 years ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • Solent Gas Care are a local gas engineer in Fareham and provide you with the very best quality service no matter how small the job. We can send a plumber to repair a tap or leak, or send out a gas fitter to fix a gas fire or gas boiler. Whether youíre in need of a repair to a central heating system,new combi boiler installation, new condensing boiler, gas fire service or repair, leaking radiator valve or the installation of a new full central heating system, weíve got a plumber / gas engineer here to provide the most efficient service available.

Financial Information

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