
Rateable Value Ltd

Unit 10
Queensferry Industrial Estate, Chester Road
United Kingdom

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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Dissolved'

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Recently the government put pressure on the owners and lessees of empty commercial properties by amending the Local Government Finance Act 1988. The change in the act means an increase to empty property rates from 0% (or 50% in some cases) to a full 100% of the basic occupied business rate, after any initial void periods have elapsed. The government may insist that its reasons for this change to the act are justified; however, our team at Rateablevalue.co.uk has over 30 years experience in commercial property letting and, as a result, we know that since 1st April 2008 owners and lessees of empty commercial properties have been suffering. We offer our service to owners and lessees of empty commercial properties in England and Wales providing they are liable to pay empty property business rates. Our team is dedicated to structuring deals to suit you, the customer. So please, contact us today and we could potentially save you up to 66% on your empty property business rates.



Registration Number: 06517192
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:28 February, 2008 (16 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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