
Pony Express

12 Balaclava Road
West Midlands
B14 7SG
United Kingdom

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UK Sameday - Pony Express can handle all your same day delivery needs anywhere in the UK. From documents to pallets Pony Express has the solution to deliver your items on time and within budget. International Sameday - Pony Express provides same day delivery across the Globe. Pony Express' Elite service to New York, Hong Kong, New Delhi, and any European City is the quickest and most reliable service you will find with unrivalled tracking and security. UK Next Day - Before 9am, 10am, Noon and AM or PM deliveries are just some of the delivery options Pony Express offers on it's Nextday service International - Pony Express' import and export team can arrange parcel delivery and collection from anywhere at anytime. Air Freight Forwarding - By working with the worlds biggest freight forwarders Pony Express' freight forwarding for international consignments is the most cost effective around. Storage - Pony Express can provide your business secure freight holding and storage on flexible terms.



Registration Number: 05935470
VAT Number: GB897 1084 85
Registered at Companies House:14 September, 2006 (17 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: 21-50
Annual Turnover: 200-500k
Company Type:
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Birmingham, Wolverhampton


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