
Nashdene Ltd

201 Haverstock Hill
United Kingdom

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We can customise our services to relieve freeholders, management companies and resident's associations of all aspects of property administration and upkeep. We provide effective communication with our clients and their residents through an experienced workforce of real people who actually care about the service they provide. Each property under management has a dedicated Property Manager and support staff who are familiar with the property. This puts residents in touch with the people who are managing and maintaining their building and ensures that their concerns are raised and dealt with in a speedy and efficient manner. We encourage feedback on our performance at client meetings and we welcome contributions to proposals and projects that will increase the value of properties whilst improving the resident's environment. Our management team has over 100 years experience



Registration Number: 01912166
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:9 May, 1985 (39 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: 21-50
Annual Turnover: n/a


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