
Morgan REM

Walton Grove
HP21 7SU
United Kingdom

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Today 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM (Currently Closed)
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Morgan R.E.M was formed in August 1991 by a group of experienced HR, Assessment, Research & Recruitment Specialists with complementary skills; and a shared passion for the world of Engineering & Manufacturing.

As the Company developed, a parallel area of significant expertise evolved in Airport Management, initially through the logical engineering cross-over from manufacturing... but later developing into broader Operational and Capital Projects areas. The Airport Recruitment project team is based at our Southern UK Office in Aylesbury. Our Northern UK Office is based in Manchester; which is also the home of the Company’s FMCG Recruitment specialism.

Morgan R.E.M has a regular client base that includes both Blue Chip multinationals and smaller organisations seeking high-level support during periods of growth, organisational, or cultural change. Or just one "difficult to find" individual capable of taking the Company another small but positive step forwards?

The resulting depth of expertise and real world experience means our Clients don't need to rely on standardised recruitment services. Our "know how" – given 16 years experience is the "average" in the Company - enables us to contribute directly to a Client's restructuring & change planning, as well as to develop assessment processes and individual recruitment approaches for each client and each situation... whether a one off key appointment; or a major programme supporting an ambitious change strategy.

We specialise in the following Industries, Professional Functions & HR/Recruitment Tools, Techniques and Services:

Manufacturing & Engineering Industries
Airport Operations & Facilities Management

FMCG – Food, Drink & Pharmaceutical Production

Professional Specialism’s:
Supply Chain, Logistics & Planning

Manufacturing & Operations Management
Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering

Lean, Continuous Improvement & Change Management

Process Engineering

Process Development & Quality Management
Maintenance & Facilities Management
Research, Design & Development
Commercial & Technical Project Management
Product Management & Business Development
Technical Service & Customer Support

Resourcing, Assessment, Selection & HR Consultancy :

Database Research & Career Opportunity Marketing, Candidate Briefing & Assessment, Candidate Market Research, Advertising Design & Copywriting, Search, Email Marketing Campaigns, Resourcing Strategy for Major Recruitment Campaigns, HR Support for Structural & Cultural Change Programmes and Assessment Centre Design & Project Management. Significant experience of all established assessment tools, including Competency Based Interviews, Role Plays, Reasoning Tests, Psychometrics, Presentations, In-Tray Exercises & Technical Capability Evaluations.v

Consultancy Assignment

We work closely with our clients to create effective consultancy assignments. We work closely with the client to create and put forward a structured proposal. This may include features such as targeted advertising or detailed industrial research processes to identify specific candidates that are most suitable. Our resourcing options can include executive research, direct mail to professional databases, specialist regional and national advertising, Morgan REM database, referrals, and appointments outside our core business. Our selection and assessment options include written technical testing, psychometric assessment, candidate presentations, competency based interviews, numerical and verbal reasoning tests, assessment centre management, professional background, culture and standards, technical, commercial and management experience, and product and market knowledge.

Agency Assignment

We have created a number of standard services which enable us to out forward suitable candidates for all agency assignments. Our regular advertising campaigns enable us to provide new suitable applicants for all types of vacancies. Our database is based on free text search technology and has been designed and created for fast and efficient identification of suitable candidates.

Manufacturing & Engineering

Our recruitment services are designed to be suitable for a range of manufacturing and engineering industries such as manufacturing operations, supply chain and logistics, manufacturing and process engineering, maintenance and facilities management, design engineering and product development, commercial and technical project management, product management and business development and technical and customer support. We are pleased to be able to provide services for small businesses as well as Blue Chip multinationals who seek high levels of recruitment support at regular intervals.

Human Resource Management

Our human resources department provides clients with specialist, cost-effective support. We provide complete recruitment project management services to suit your requirements. As an example a previous project of ours was to provide recruitment services to IMC Ltd, a company that was relocating from Hertfordshire to Wrexham. The company relocation meant that only a few members of the 95 strong team were able to relocate with the company. Our job was to source individuals suitable for employment roles at all levels of the company. As part of our service we rewrote new terms and conditions of employment, developed job specifications for new and existing roles, built profiles of suitable characteristics, developed relationships with recruitment agencies in the Wrexham area, coached key staff in interview and selection techniques, ran a full recruitment campaign using local and national resources, and managed administration of all processes. It is essential that our services are completed within agreed time frames and budgets.

Recruitment Issues

As an initial point of contact we provide a simple online form for companies to complete. Once we have received your form and your requirements we will respond as soon as possible with information and solutions. Please also feel free to contact us by phone or post with your recruitment requests.

Preparing For CBI's

We provide all the information you need to know about Competency Based Interviews (CBI’s). CBI’s are designed and structured to identify candidates that possess the skills and qualifications most suited to the requirements of the specific role. The interviewer will typically use a scoring system for each question to highlight the candidate’s evidence of appropriateness to the role in question. CBI’s are an effective means of discovering whether candidates can provide evidence of their skills from previous employment or situations. To find out more about CBI’s and what to expect, please visit our website, or contact us at Morgan REM.

Current Vacancies

Please visit our website to view some of the latest job listings. We provide job specifications along with salary details and the skills and qualifications the client is looking for. For further details on how to apply, please contact us as Morgan REM and we will guide you through the process.

Submit Your CV

Please also visit our website to submit your CV. Once received, your CV is then processed and added to our database. Our high-tech scanning systems track specific words and skills of your CV and highlights them for attention when searched in relation to specific job vacancies. If your CV is highlighted against a relevant job vacancy, we will send an email or letter to you with all of the relevant information.. Our specialist consultant is on hand to provide one-to-one CV design and career advice. Please note that once your CV is received it will not be discussed or submitted to any of our clients without your consent.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
Founded:1 January, 1991 (33 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Stockholder
  • Service Providers

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Brand & Trade Names

  • British Airports Authority
  • Halewood International
  • IMC Ltd
  • Parker Hannifin
  • Spicer Hallfield
  • Unilever
  • Vauxhall/ General Motors
  • Yardley of London