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Lloyd Research Ltd specialises in the design and development of gang programmers for flash memory devices, micro controllers and EPROMs. We were one of the very first companies to introduce Gang ‘In system’ / ‘In circuit’ programmers for microcontrollers such as Microchip PICs and Atmel AVRs. Since then, our programmers have been tested and approved by Intel, Texas Instruments and SGS Thomson, and are now used in a variety of applications where safety is critical, including railway signalling equipment and avionics systems. All of our devices are manufactured to the most exacting standards under strict ISO-certified quality control procedures.
Our client list includes many well known American blue-chip companies and most of the large Japanese electronics manufacturers. For UK based customers we offer a unique 'try before you buy' service which gives production managers the opportunity to evaluate savings before committing to capital expenditure. We pride ourselves on a customer-driven approach, and are always happy to quote for unusual or non-standard applications such as programming processor cards, memory boards and special purpose memory modules.
If you would like to find out more about the company and the outstanding electrical components that we offer, please visit our website at .
The F5000 is able to program almost any micro controller or memory device which has a serial interface - without need for a PC. The target data and programming algorithm can be downloaded to its own flash memory in a matter of seconds using a USB connection.
Up to seven different data sets can be stored, making it possible to program different code into either the same or different targets without any reconfiguring.
The F5000's small size makes it incredibly easy to install in an ATE system.
This device is used to program EPROMs, EEPROMs, flash memories and microcontrollers on assembled boards. It may also be used to program special purpose memory modules such as OBRMs.
The programmer can accommodate for 8, 16 or 32 bit systems with or without parity. Various purpose-designed plug-in adaptors cater for each board type.
The ONBP100 is typically used in Avionics systems where EPROMs need to be soldered to the board.
For more details and specifications, please head directly to the Lloyd Research website.
Registration Number: | 04968743 |
VAT Number: | GB845 8509 91 |
Registered at Companies House: | 19 November, 2003 (20 years and 10 months ago) |
No of Employees: | n/a |
Annual Turnover: | n/a |
Importers: | |
Exporters: | |
Company Type: |
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