
Herts Labels & Screen Printers

75 The Ridgeway
St. Albans
United Kingdom

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Today 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM (Open)
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Herts Labels have been producing high quality labels, panels and signs since 1981. Our friendly sales service allied to our reputation for quality and reliability means we are one of the leading label suppliers in the UK. With our expert knowledge of the industry we can offer solutions to all your labelling requirements, using traditional printing methods and the very latest digital technology.

Reel labels - We have added digital inkjet technology to our flexographic, letterpress and foil presses. This new equipment produces lightfast, durable labels, which are also suitable for exterior use.  Printers Proofs are FREE on digital orders!
We have thousands of stock cutters available to produce all your labelling needs.

Screen printing -
High quality labels, graphic overlays, membranes, panels, signs and stickers. These can be made from your production drawings, existing labels or be designed from scratch. They can include led’s, windows, cut-outs, and adhesive free touch or embossed buttons. We can also screen print directly onto your mouldings and equipment.
Membranes - Our Membrane Keypads can be made to your required specification. From economical prototypes to full production we offer a quality reliable product.        Quality materials, PCB Technology, Embossing, Integral LED's, Backlit, Tactile and Non-Tactile, Circuitry, RFI and EMC shielding.                 

Domed badges
With a knock and scratch resistant clear polyurethane domed surface, these high quality labels are ideally suited to company and product branding. They are digitally or screen printed and can be produced to almost any shape or size. A range of adhesives ensures bonding to almost any surface.
Vinyl graphics
Computer cut-out lettering, graphics and logos, ideal for machinery, equipment and exhibitions. Easy to apply, long lasting results.
Stainless Steel
These plates are extremely hardy, suitable for marine use, high temperatures and corrosive atmospheres.
Anodised aluminium
Anodising allows the printed detail to be sealed inside the surface of the aluminium. This makes them very durable/solvent resistant and suitable for internal and external use.
Another very durable and stylish material. Corrosion resistant ideal for internal and external use.
Control panels, warning signs, labels, dials, and badges, door nameplates, sporting tags, gifts and I.D discs.
Aluminium Labels
Address Labels
Adhesive Labels
Anodised aluminium Labels
Antistatic Labels
Asset Labels
Barcode Labels
Bespoke Labels
Biodegradable Labels
Block out Labels
Booklet Labels
Braille Labels
Chemical Labels
Chemically etched Labels
Cloth Labels
Colour Labels
Computer Seal Security Label
Consecutive Labels
COSHH and Hazard Warning Labels
COSHH Labels
Data Labels
Deep Freeze Labels
Destructible vinyl Labels
Digital Labels
Digital Label Printers
Digital Self Adhesive Labels
Domed Labels
Durable Labels 
Electrical Labels
Embossed Labels
Emergency Labels
Engraved Labels
Fixed Asset Labels
Fluorescent Labels
Food Labels
Freezer Labels
Glow in the dark Labels
Graphic overlays
Hazard Labels
Hazard Warning Labels
Holographic Labels
Hospital Labels
Identification Labels
Inkjet Labels
Inspection Labels
Inventory Labels
Label suppliers
Lable suppliers
Labels & Tags
Lables & Tags
Labels & Stickers
Lables & Stickers 
Labels & Signs
Lables & Signs
Labels on rolls
Lables on rolls
Laminated Labels
Laser Labels
Medical Labels
Membrane Labels
Membrane Keypads
Metal Labels
Metallic Labels
Magnetic Labels
Name Labels
Numbered Labels
Packaging Labels  
Pallet Labels
Paper Labels
Part Laminated Labels
PAT Test Labels
Peelable Labels
Peel & Reveal Labels
Permanent Labels
Piggy Back Labels
Polyester Labels
Polypropylene Labels
Print Labels
Printable Labels
Printed Labels
Printed self adhesive Labels
Product Labels
Promotional Labels
Push Button Labels
Quality Labels
Quality Assurance Labels
Quality Control Labels
Rayon Labels
Reel Labels
Resin coated Labels
Screen printing
Screen printing Labels
Screen printed Labels
Screen printed signs
Screen printed panels
Security seal Labels
Security Labels
Self adhesive Labels
Serial Labels
Serial Number Labels
Sheet Labels
Shipping Labels
Short run Labels
Stainless Steel Labels
Sticker Labels
Sticky Labels
Swing Tags
Tactile Labels
Tactile Triangle Labels
Tags & Labels
Tamper Proof Labels
Tamper Evident Labels
Technical Labels
Thermal Labels
Thermal Transfer Labels
Thermocratic Labels
Traffolite Labels
Transparent Labels
Under surface screen printed Labels
Under surface screen printing
Variable Data Labels
Vinyl Graphics
Vinyl Graphic Lettering
Void Labels
Warehouse Labels
Warning Labels
Warranty Labels  
Waterproof Labels
Window Stickers
Wiring Labels.
























Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
Founded:1 January, 1981 (44 years and 1 month ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: n/a

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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If you've any questions about Herts Labels & Screen Printers products or services feel free to ask them here.

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