
Flexisolar Ltd

Manor Farm
Low Road
PE28 9HU
United Kingdom

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FlexiSolar Ltd is a fantastic company that specialises in the manufacture, supply and installation of lightweight, flexible solar PV solutions. Our unique solar panels are extremely versatile and can generate power for most of the day. They can face any direction and offer high performance even in diffused light or cloudy conditions. They can be installed at angles up to 30% and can also be installed on flat roofs. With a 40 year life expectancy and 25 years proven success, our flexible solar panels are becoming increasingly popular.

We are also pleased to offer a fantastic range of bespoke canopies and outdoor shelters via our sister company, Inside2Outside. These units have been designed and manufactured specifically for these types of solar panels.

Please read on and/or visit our website to find out more about our excellent solar panel solutions. There are many factors to consider when thinking about a solar project so please call us at FlexiSolar Ltd today to speak with one of our specialists who will offer you the best advice in all areas from the initial survey through to installation.

Lightweight, Flexible Solar Panels

Here at FlexiSolar Ltd, we are pleased to supply and install top quality flexible solar panels. These panels are widely used for commercial applications and farm buildings but there is really no limit on where they can be installed.

Our smallest Flexi Solar panels weigh in at just 2kg (70w) while our largest panels weigh 6.1kg (300w). These panels are productive facing East, West and even North roofs (maximum 5 degrees). They can be installed at an angle up to 30% and can also be installed on flat roofs.

For advice and assistance, please contact us at FlexiSolar Ltd today and we will be happy to help.

Solar Canopies

We offer top quality solar canopies via our sister company, Inside2Outside. These solar canopies feature a thin solar panel film which is bonded to a tensile membrane in order to create the tensile photovoltaics solar canopy. Tensile PV solar canopies are extremely effective for use in the UK as they don’t require direct sunlight to generate electricity, just light.

Please visit Inside2Outside online to view our latest brochure and to view examples of previous solar canopy installations. Alternatively, please contact us directly at FlexiSolar Ltd to discuss your requirements and to find out more about the benefits of solar canopies and associated equipment.

Commercial Canopies

We also supply and install commercial canopies. These stylish canopies feature strong aluminium frames and tensioned structural fabric membranes. They are widely used to shelter walkways, terraces and smoking areas while enhancing business efficiency at the same time.

We tailor canopies to meet specific customer/ location requirements and all of our aluminium framed canopies are offered with a ten year guarantee.

Please head over to our website to view high quality images of some previous installations. You can also view our online catalogue or request a copy by post.

Covered Walkway and Entrance Canopies

At FlexiSolar Ltd, we create bespoke covered walkways and entrance canopies to suit a range of customer requirements and settings. Our covered walkways and entrance canopies feature long-lasting tensile membrane roofs which let in lots of natural light and are easy to clean and maintain.

We are pleased to offer two types of walkways which are available in a range of colours:

  • The QUBE™: features multiple canopies that are joined together to create effective walkways.
  • The Barrel Arch: perfect for covering entrance area and creating an architectural feature at the same time.

Please visit our website to find out more.

Multi Roof Options

 We are pleased to offer a range of roof options.

These include:

  • Plate: a photovoltaic solution suitable for a flat roof or a roof that’s domed with a waterproof mantle membrane.
  • Integral Plate: an aluminium backed plate fixing system.
  • Roof: the roof system features flexible UNISOLAR laminates which are glued onto sheets of corrugated galvanised aluminium.
  • Tensile PV: our unique solar product which is lightweight and durable. It can be installed onto asbestos, tin, corrugated iron, metal and membrane roofs.

Please visit our website or contact us at FlexiSolar Ltd to find out more about our multi roof options.


Installing Solar PV

Our installations include full initial surveys, electrical, structural and Health and Safety audits. Small systems usually take a couple of days to install while large systems usually take approximately one week. We carry out all installations quickly and efficiently causing as little disruption to the surrounding area as possible. In fact, as most of the work is on the outside of existing structures, business can carry on as usual. The only access we need inside is to connect the inverter to the meter.

Once the installation is complete, the team will check the installation, complete the paperwork and connect the installation to the grid so that the Feed-In-Tarriff can kick in.  

Timber Shelters

We are pleased to offer a fantastic range of timber shelters as an alternative to our aluminium framed canopies. Canopies are tough and robust for long-term use in demanding environments. 4m or 5m octagonal or hexagonal canopies are available featuring our superior grade timber and a UV resistant, waterproof tensile roof which is available in a range of colours. Optional extras such as log lap sides, seating and decking are also available with these installations.

Please contact us at FlexiSolar Ltd to find out more and/or to request a FREE survey.



Registration Number: 07072489
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:11 November, 2009 (14 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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