
Dexter Magnetic Technologies Europe Ltd

The Pinnacle
160 Midsummer Boulevard
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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Our Magnetic Products division is a global provider of magnetic solutions serving focused markets. Our mission is to be centered on your magnetic needs while servicing you with our outstanding technology & operational excellence. We are a global source for permanent magnet and electromagnetic products, off-the-shelf or custom-design magnets, and complete magnetic systems. We have many market-and application-specific solutions and the industry’s best applications engineering support. Our Electronic Components division is a global distributor and provider of ferrite, amorphous and powder cores, thermistors, bobbins and mounting hardware, as well as gapping and fabrication services. We are focused on providing products and services that match your business needs. We are the authorized distributor for the world's leading suppliers in the industry, including Fair-Rite, TDK, EPCOS, Magnetics, Acme Electronics, Ferronics, GE Infrastructure Sensing, RTI, and Toshiba. We provide the most comprehensive selection of name brand manufacturers and choices from one source. We have flexible inventory management programs, short lead times, multiple facilities and an extensive inventory.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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