
Aptus Solutions Ltd

9 Chancel St
United Kingdom

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Aptus Solutions produce specialised document management software for engineering and other industries that require rigour and procedural control not found in "out of the box" solutions. Our products build upon industry standard document management software to provide additional, configurable features to match your project's requirements.

Let us deliver to your business best practice in document and data management, with yourDCC, or with our related software and services developed through years of experience in information technology for engineering projects and operational environments.

yourDCC for SharePoint has been developed to deliver comprehensive, configurable document control for engineering and construction projects.  It is easy to use, quickly and unobtrusively installed in your SharePoint environment and affordable to project, departmental, work-group, or smaller enterprise budgets.

Our fully featured transmittal product, DocFlow, is designed to simplify and speed the distribution of documents within and external to your organisation to promote collaboration and sharing. At the same time, it's inbuilt tracking and monitoring capabilities ensure you retain the control to who received what documents when.

Other products include DocReporter, an enhanced reporting tools for Documentum repositories, DocMail, which provides simple email management with Documentum and Sensor, an infrastructure monitoring and alerting tool.



Registration Number: 03319742
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:17 February, 1997 (27 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers

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