
Anochrome Technologies Ltd

Unit 9
U S A M Trading Estate, Wood Lane
West Midlands
WV10 8HN
United Kingdom

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Anochrome Group is developing coatings and application methods continually to address specific concerns, problems or corrosion needs. The protection provided by a coating to the base material relies upon the integrity of the coating and its freedom from faults, cracks, scratches and pores. The attraction of a sacrificial coating is that it gives protection inspite of coating faults (some caused by assembly) but without these faults (flaws) the performance would be considerably improved. This is why racked (jigged) parts invariably give better performance when compared with the same finishes applied to parts in bulk. Anochrome Group endeavours to use 'robust' coatings to withstand the rigours of modern requirements; but, it should be recognised that extra operations, such as sorting, patching, packing, transporting, vibratory feeding or other rough handling can reduce the performance, especially with larger components. It has been found that lubricated coatings give more damage resistance.



Registration Number: 03507309
VAT Number: GB100 1598 21
Registered at Companies House:10 February, 1998 (26 years and 4 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Parent Company: Anochrome Group


Additional Information

Company Certifications

ISO 9001:2015 - Quality management systems – Requirements

Financial Information

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