
Registered Number: 01460628
Date of Incorporation: 12/11/1979 (44 years and 7 months ago)
Company Status: Dissolved
Date of Dissolution: 05/04/2016 (8 years and 2 months ago)
Registered Address: Ullemwood Court, Cheltenham, GL53 9QS


Based in the United Kingdom, Rebecca Vickers (Cheltenham) Ltd was founded on 12 November 1979, it's status is listed as "Dissolved". Currently we aren't aware of the number of employees at the Rebecca Vickers (Cheltenham) Ltd.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
GAZ2 - Second notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 05 April 2016
GAZ1 - First notification of strike-off action in London Gazette 19 January 2016
3.7 - Notice of Administrative Receiver's death 16 March 2001
405(2) - Notice of ceasing to act of Receiver 19 August 1997
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 24 February 1992
3.6 - Abstract of receipt and payments in receivership 27 November 1990

Mortgages & Charges

Description Date Status Charge by
Charge 29 October 1982 Outstanding


Charge 16 January 1980 Outstanding


Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.