
Registered Number: SL018191
Date of Incorporation: 03/10/2014 (9 years and 8 months ago)
Company Status: Active
Registered Address: 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR


Based in Glasgow, Optum Export L.P was founded on 03 October 2014. We don't currently know the number of employees at the business. Optum Export L.P has no directors listed.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
LP6 - N/A 22 August 2017
LP6 - N/A 17 October 2016
LP5 - N/A 03 October 2014

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.