
Registered Number: SC051929
Date of Incorporation: 01/12/1972 (51 years and 6 months ago)
Company Status: Liquidation
Registered Address: 119 Longrow, Campbeltown, Argyll, PA28 6EX


Neil Paterson Ltd was registered on 01 December 1972 with its registered office in Argyll, it's status in the Companies House registry is set to "Liquidation". Currently we aren't aware of the number of employees at the the organisation. The company has no directors.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
4.9(Scot) - N/A 17 January 2001
CO4.2(Scot) - N/A 17 January 2001
4.2(Scot) - N/A 17 January 2001
4.9(Scot) - N/A 20 October 2000
363s - Annual Return 12 May 2000
363s - Annual Return 09 May 1999
RESOLUTIONS - N/A 12 February 1999
288b - Notice of resignation of directors or secretaries 12 February 1999
MEM/ARTS - N/A 12 February 1999
AA - Annual Accounts 28 January 1999
363s - Annual Return 05 May 1998
AA - Annual Accounts 02 February 1998
363s - Annual Return 15 May 1997
AA - Annual Accounts 26 March 1997
363s - Annual Return 30 May 1996
AA - Annual Accounts 04 July 1995
363s - Annual Return 15 May 1995
288 - N/A 06 April 1995
288 - N/A 09 December 1994
AA - Annual Accounts 01 September 1994
363s - Annual Return 24 May 1994
AA - Annual Accounts 03 June 1993
363s - Annual Return 07 May 1993
AA - Annual Accounts 30 June 1992
363s - Annual Return 06 May 1992
225(1) - Notice of new accounting reference date given during the course of an accounting reference period 09 March 1992
AA - Annual Accounts 13 February 1992
363a - Annual Return 20 May 1991
363 - Annual Return 22 January 1991
AA - Annual Accounts 14 January 1991
AA - Annual Accounts 08 March 1990
363 - Annual Return 08 March 1990
288 - N/A 23 November 1989
410(Scot) - N/A 20 July 1989
466(Scot) - N/A 20 July 1989
363 - Annual Return 20 February 1989
AA - Annual Accounts 20 February 1989
363 - Annual Return 03 February 1988
AA - Annual Accounts 03 February 1988
AA - Annual Accounts 21 January 1987
363 - Annual Return 21 January 1987

Mortgages & Charges

Description Date Status Charge by
Standard security 11 July 1989 Outstanding


Instrument of charge 04 June 1986 Outstanding


Standard security 02 April 1986 Outstanding


Instrument of charge 20 July 1983 Fully Satisfied


Floating charge 28 January 1982 Fully Satisfied


Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.