
Registered Number: 03153384
Date of Incorporation: 31/01/1996 (28 years and 4 months ago)
Company Status: Active
Date of Dissolution: 13/03/2011 (13 years and 3 months ago)
Registered Address: 6th Floor 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, M3 3AT


Based in Manchester, Lyndale Foods Ltd was setup in 1996, it has a status of "Active". The companies director is listed as Hart, Kevin John. We do not know the number of employees at this organisation.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Director Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
HART, Kevin John 03 May 2000 15 January 2001 1

Filing History

No relevant data found

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.