
Registered Number: 01804359
Date of Incorporation: 29/03/1984 (40 years and 2 months ago)
Company Status: Liquidation
Registered Address: Po Box 304, 57 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SP


K L Associates Ltd was founded on 29 March 1984 and has its registered office in London. The organisation does not have any directors listed in the Companies House registry.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

No relevant data found

Current Directors and Secretaries

No relevant data found

Filing History

Document Type Date
COCOMP - Order to wind up 28 April 1994
AC93 - N/A 26 April 1994
AC09 - N/A 03 February 1989
AC05 - N/A 02 September 1988
CERTNM - Change of name certificate 03 August 1988
287 - Change in situation or address of Registered Office 27 July 1987
363 - Annual Return 27 July 1987
AA - Annual Accounts 28 April 1987

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.