
Registered Number: 03763533
Date of Incorporation: 30/04/1999 (25 years and 1 month ago)
Company Status: Active
Registered Address: Victoria Park Mills, Hardings Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 3ND


Established in 1999, Fld Ltd has its registered office in West Yorkshire. We don't know the number of employees at this organisation. There are 2 directors listed for the business.

Directors & Company Secretary Timeline

Current Directors and Secretaries

Director Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
PRUDHOE, John Jared Nixon 30 April 1999 - 1
Secretary Name Appointed Resigned Total Appointments
PRUDHOE, Shelagh Elisabeth 30 April 1999 - 1

Filing History

No relevant data found

Mortgages & Charges

No relevant data found

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

No SIC found.