Registered Number: SC501529
Date of Incorporation: 25/03/2015 (9 years and 6 months ago)
Company Status: Dissolved
Date of Dissolution: 05/06/2018 (6 years and 4 months ago)
Registered Address: PA 28 6GA, C/O Gravdal, 122 Sound Of Kintyre,Machrihanish, C/O Arve Gravdal, 122 Sound Of Kintyre, Machrihanish, Campbeltown, Scotland, PA28 6GA,
Established in 2015, Eco Land Fish (Scotland) Ltd are based in Campbeltown, Scotland, it's status is listed as "Dissolved". This company has 3 directors listed in the Companies House registry. We don't know the number of employees at the company.