Contract Summary

  • Published Date: 31 October 2017

  • Tender Status: planned

  • Tender Opening Date: 13 November 2017

  • Tender Closing Date: n/a

  • Award Date: n/a

  • Contract Start Date: n/a

  • Contract End Date: n/a

  • Contract is suitable for SMEs: Yes

  • Contract is suitable for VCSEs: Yes

  • Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Contract Type:



To register an interest in this requirement please email [email protected]. Please note these requirement will be sourced via Bloom Neutral Vendor Solution.


The Children, Families and Adults Directorate of Cornwall Council are undertaking a review of the budget areas supported by the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). The DSG and funding process is itself being reviewed at the moment with the Education & Skills Funding Agency transitioning School funding towards a National Funding Formula.

Previously there was some scope to realign resources between schools and central services for Early Years and High Needs pupils. In recent years budget realignment has been severely limited and indications are that they will effectively cease in the future.

Bearing this in mind a review of High Needs provision funding, as administered by Cornwall Council, is underway. This will require an investigation of current practice leading to a report that will be used by senior managers within Cornwall Council and Cornwall's Schools' Forum. It is anticipated that the report will highlight potential service adjustments to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework in balance with delivering desired services that support early intervention and reduce pressure on statutory provision. The aims are: to support clear shared understanding of sources of funding; to inform decisions about service adjustments in the light of budget pressures; and, to ensure the balance of service funding between the Dedicated Schools Grant and the Revenue Support Grant is appropriate and suitable.

Description of Requirement

To undertake a review of current activities and funding arrangements largely within the High Needs Area, but bearing in mind wider reaching impacts. The review should include:

• Testing current funding arrangements against the relevant grant conditions.

• Ascertaining the appropriateness of grant deployment (DSG and RSG) in each of the key budget areas.

• Assessing the impact of any proposed changes or budget realignments that may be required in order to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework.

• Investigation into, and comparison with, other Local Authorities, particularly with a view to identifying cost saving but also acceptable practices and innovative solutions.

It is anticipated that this will require some knowledge and experience of Education provision (preferably in the High Needs Area) and the attendant finance arrangements. Prior work in Local Government is a necessary requirement.

The contract should commence before the end of November 2017. It is for 15 working days. The end product of this contract will be a full and detailed report to be presented to a panel with supporting paperwork by February 16th 2018.

It is anticipated that the person undertaking this work will need to travel to Truro at an early point to meet key personnel involved. Ongoing remote contact by Skype, phone and email will be supported by the Council.

About the Buyer

Contact name: Stuart Hinde

Address: New County Hall

Telephone: n/a

Fax: n/a

Email: [email protected]

Value of Contract

Price Range: £7,500