
Warwick Laser Systems Ltd

Unit H3, Holly Farm Business Park
United Kingdom

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  • Mr Richard Icke - Managing Director


Warwickshire Laser Systems Ltd is the UK's leading supplier of laser plastic welding equipment. We provide bespoke industrial laser systems for laser welding, laser cutting, and laser marking, etching and engraving. Because we have no affiliation with any particular manufacturer, Warwickshire Laser Systems is able to offer impartial advice on the best laser system set-up for you. With a wealth of experience and in depth expertise in the field, we are able to find a total laser-technology solution for processing all thermoplastic materials. Once we have determined the suitability of using a laser in your process, we'll then give advice and guidance on the best type of laser for the job. Through our partnership with Modular Automation International Ltd, we can design, manufacture and assemble a state-of-the-art system that is tailored to your requirements. If you would like to find out more about the company, who we are, and what we offer, please head directly to the Warwickshire Laser Systems website, or get in touch directly by giving our friendly, helpful team a call.

Laser Welding

Plastic materials and other composites are becoming far more commonplace within the automotive and other major industries thanks to the benefits they bring in terms of added strength, weight reduction, and cost-savings. Traditional joining processes such as heat and vibration welding are no longer practical for demanding modern applications, such as high strength and hermitically sealed joints, or sealing delicate electronic assemblies. That's where laser technology comes in. Following years of investment and successful R&D, we have found many uses for laser welding processes in the production of plastic components.

Laser Marking

Laser marking is the fastest, most effective and probably the most efficient way for manufacturers to permanently indentify their products for regulatory purposes or to distinguish them from those of their competitors. Logos, graphics, alpha numerics, bar codes, and 2D matrices can all be added to metals and plastics, as well as electrical and electronic components. These engravings are also used for the safe identification of components used in medical applications. To find out more about our laser marking/etching/engraving systems, please contact the sales team at Warwick Laser Systems Ltd.

Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting processes are ideal for situations where flexibility is imperative, for example de-gating various injection moulding components, or 3D cutting of complex trim components. Laser cutting systems can be robotically mounted, allowing for outstanding flexibility. If you would like further information on the systems we offer, or need advice and guidance on the best product for you, please get in touch – we are only a phone call away!

Other Services

Warwickshire Laser Systems Ltd is unique in the great supporting services that it offers. We don't just sell our customers a product – we like to work in partnership with them. Indeed, we can manage the project from start to finish, often working on commercially sensitive briefs, and building a system that is perfect for your application, giving you the edge over your competitors. Our ongoing project support includes onsite installation, commissioning and training – we'll even propose a servicing and maintenance contract. With our knowledge of the capability of laser systems, we can also advise you on the suitability of materials for your future manufacturing projects. It's this consultancy service that really stands us out from the crowd.

Sub-Contract Facilities

We are pleased to provide our customers with sub-contract facilities for laser marking and laser welding of polymers. As part of this service we are able to provide one off or batch orders to suit customer requirements and provide proof of concept details and pre-production trials to ensure the very best solution is created. Our sub-contract services are offered at competitive prices and we work closely with clients to create fantastic results. We are also pleased to supply systems based on successful trials where required. Please contact us at Warwick Laser Systems Limited to find out more about our laser marking and laser welding of polymers.



Registration Number: 04966131
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:17 November, 2003 (20 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers


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