
Simdean Envirotec Ltd

20 Brookfield Drive
United Kingdom

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Notice: This company is listed at Companies House as 'Liquidation'

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  • Nick Carter - Managing Director


Pollution solutions through engineering excellence.

Simdean Envirotec have many years experience in the complete design, manufacture and installation of corrosion resistant plant, designed with the well being of the environment in mind. 

Thermoplastics, glassfibre reinforced thermosetting resins and dual laminates of both, are the materials used to meet the most exacting demands of the processing industries around the world.

The Multivent Scrubber

A highly efficient absorber which offers high efficiency competitive pricing and low operating and maintenance cost operation.  The scrubbers which are capable of handling solid liquid and gaseous pollutants are non-cloggable; unlike conventional packed bed scrubbers, due to the unique design of the unit.  Thus maintenance costs are negligible compared to conventional units.

The Multivent Scrubber Pilot Unit

Simdean are able to offer a pilot unit for testing at a clients site.  The pilot unit passes a predetermined quantity of the client's actual process gas through full size beds using various scrubbing liquors and gas to liquid ratios.  The results obtained from the pilot trial can form the basis of a written guarantee to the client that their Multivent system will operate at the required efficiencies

Corrosion Resistant Plant

Simdean can offer a complete package of process plant, including:

  • fume exhaust hoods and ducting 
  • process and storage tankage
  • all plastic fans 
  • exhaust stacks 
  • purpose designed plant for special applications

As highly diversified engineers and manufacturers in plastics Simdean are able to offer a service adaptable to the changing needs of industry.



Registration Number: 03132862
VAT Number: GB669 6668 59
Registered at Companies House:30 November, 1995 (28 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: 11-20
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
UK Branches: Hatton, Warwks


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