
Primarius UK Ltd

12b Earlstrees Road
Earlstree Industrial Estate
NN17 4AZ
United Kingdom

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Primarius UK Ltd is a subsidiary of the Prestfold Group. The company is a major supplier of seating and interior components to the mass transit industry, providing a range of products and support services to manufacturers and operators of road and rail transportation systems. Other Prestfold Group companies are involved in diverse areas such as original equipment accessories for 4 X 4 vehicles and stainless steel fabrications for the food production industry. At the group headquarters in Corby, Northamptonshire we have 24,000 square feet of production area and offices employing some 30 staff. All seat trim and assembly is carried out on this site together with product development, product support and spares distribution. Head office administration is also based in Corby.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a


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