
Precision People

West Carr Road
DN22 7SR
United Kingdom

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Engineering Services has over forty years of experience of industrial plastic pipework systems. The company is highly focused and can provide a full-line service from design, supply, fabrication and installationto pressure testing and commissioning.   For polyethylene pipe and fittings we also offer our own butt-fusion welding machines which are approved to the latest industry specifications. This equipment is also available for sale or hire, together with electrofusion controllers and ancillary tools.  We are also industry leaders in the production of smooth bore, long radius bends in high density polyethylene with the capability of producing bends up to 1200mm in diameter.  The company operates internationally in many industrial markets such as mining, civil engineering, process and chemical plant, water, sewage and gas projects. These activities are supported by a qualified and experienced team of pipework engineers and polymer specialists.  Engineering Services has built a formidable reputation for service and quality which, combined with its long experience is able to offer a truly unique service to industry.



Registration Number: 00800916
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:15 April, 1964 (60 years ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Fabricator
  • Stockholder
  • Service Providers

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