
MHA Integrated Electronic Services Ltd

Station House
Station Approach
M46 9LJ
United Kingdom

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MHA Int-Elect is a leading electronics design house and manufacturing services company, offering Full Electronics Design, Development and Manufacturing Services. Based in the North West, the company has extensive knowledge and expertise in designing and developing electronic solutions for a global customer base. Our customer base can vary from small start-up companies to sizeable blue-chip organisations. Our key markets include; Automotive, Security, Consumer, Defence, Construction and Industrial Control. Our key capabilites include: Fast Turn Design and Manufacturing. Electronic Hardware Design of 8, 16 and 32 bit microprocessors. PCB Layout using Altium. Mechanical Design via Solidworks. 3D modelling, Simulation, Thermal Analysis. Firmware (Imagecraft and IAR, C/C++ Compilers). Software (Visual Basic .NET and C# .NET) CE Marking, IP Rating, Regulatory Approvals. Manufacture at PCB Assembly and Box Build levels. We offer both a complete package of these capabilities or a tailored selection dependent upon customer requirements.



Registration Number: 07013646
VAT Number: GB693 6369 84
Registered at Companies House:9 September, 2009 (14 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: 11-20
Annual Turnover: 1-2m
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Atherton

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